Shelton Yacht Club
January Social and Change of Watch
Annual Land Cruise to Ocean Shores
St. Patrick's Day Cruise to Longbranch
Annual Oyster Ham Dinner at Shelton Yacht Club
Blessing of the Fleet / Opening Day Ceremonies at Shelton Yacht Club
Opening Weekend of Boating at Jarrell's Cove State Park
May Social and Past Commodore's Night
Taylor Shellfish is Presented with Honorary Membership in the SYC
Windseekers Visit the Shelton Yacht Club
First Mate's Cruise to Bremerton
To the Sea! June Cruise to Fair Harbor
Ragbagger's Cruise to Jarrell's Cove
Mermaid's Cruise to Des Moines Marina
Oktoberfest Cruise to Longbranch
Annual Christmas Lighted Boat Parade