1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2014 



                                                                   Cathy and Mike ...                                             The SYC Boutique is ready for the night...

                                       SYC Members buy tickets at the Raffle Table....                                                  Dick and George....

                                   Table decorations....                     Rear Commodore Dan (for a few more minutes!) introduces Shawn and his son, Conner...

                                    Commodore Ken swears in SYC's newest members!       Congratulations to Shawn and Conner! Conner is our youngest member!

                       Commodore Ken thanks Rear Commodore Dan for a great year...                          Rear Commodore Dan retires his Flag...

                        Commodore Ken thanks Vice Commodore Rick for a great year...                        And Vice Commodore Rick retires his flag...

                  Commodore Ken turns the meeting over to Past Commodore Diana...         PC Diana presents Commodore Ken with his second PC Flag...

                            Commodore Ken retires his Commodore's flag....                      PC Diana introduces SYC's Board Members...  Per, Vicki, Steve, and Jim..

                                        PC Diana introduces the Club's Treasurer, and her husband, Kim...                               And Treasurer Kim raises his flag..

                                PC Diana introduces the Club's Secretary, Jackie...                                         And Secretary Jackie raises her flag....

                                                         PC Diana introduces Rear Commodore Jerry ...                                And Rear Commodore Jerry raises his flag...

                                Rear Commodore Jerry receives his jacket insignia...                 And his Rear Commodore Flag to fly on his boat...

                       Vice Commodore Dan and his wife, Jackie, are introduced...               And Vice Commodore Dan is presented with a flag for his boat...

        And Vice Commodore Dan raises his flag....                         PC Diana introduces SYC's Commodore for 2013, Rick.  Along with his faithful First Mate, Pam...

                     Commodore Rick is presented with the Commodore's Flag to fly on his boat....                                         Commodore Rick raises his flag....

The 2013 Bridge Officers for The Shelton Yacht Club ...

Commodore Rick takes over the meeting....

   Introducing and installing Fleet Captains George, Tracy, Victoria, and Debbie...                                           Our SYC Fleet Captains for 2013...

Commodore Rick's SYC Appointees to help him run the Club....

Commodore Rick congratulates Don and Bonnie on 50 years of marriage!

                                   Rear Commodore Jerry gives his Monthly Report...                 Vice Commodore Dan gives his Monthly Report...

Vice Commodore Dan presents PC Ken with a Gift of Appreciation for his year as Commodore...

                                              Terry wins the Round Tag Drawing....                                      Nancy wins the raffled Bungee Cords...

                               Don wins the raffled Handheld search light and mount....                    Vicki wins the raffled Scentsy Candle...

                                            And Pam wins the raffled Jack Daniels!                             A big thank you to the night's Kitchen Crew....

The End