1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2014 

Annual SYC Clean Up

Neal and Per pressure washed the decking around the Club House on Thursday...

Wendy, from the Port of Shelton, came to manage the Annual Boat House Fire Inspections.  And she brought donuts and coffee!

Gardening and Signage Repairs...

                                                          Boat House Inspections...                                                Jean topping of the table supplies...

                                              Jenni cleans the big screen...                                                 Debbie does some much needed weeding...

                                          Nancy and Jeni are sorting through stuff...                                       Larry is on the Window Cleaning Team...

                                                           Sheryl and Jackie...                                                       Rear Commodore Sue and Linda....

Dave cleaning windows....

 Jim picked up 10 pizzas for lunch... 

                                                   Per is cleaning the stove top...                            Tracy built planters for flowers in front of the club house...


                                          Commodore Dan pushes a wheelbarrow...                                        Flowers are ready to be planted...


                                                                 Linda...                                                                           Nancy and Karen...


                                               Linda, Rear Commodore Sue and Per...                                  Rehabilitating our signage...


                                           George and Debbie are still weeding!                                              Frank cleans the light fixtures...

Jerry blows the shells from the roof...

The End