1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2014 



     The oysters have arrived....

The prep begins....  A full day's work...

                           The tables will be set up and ready to go for the first guests...                                 Bob handles a hot pot of oysters....

It's Saturday...  Oyster Ham Day....   We are ready for a big crowd...

                                          Debbie readys potatoes for boiling...                               Judy fills the bowls with homemade cole slaw...

                                                    Part of the bussing crew...                                             The cole slaw is dished up and ready to go....

                                        Servers are waiting for the crowds...                                                          Wait Staff is ready too!


                                 The Oystermobile is poised to ferry guests....                              Joy, Judene, and Bonnie will handle the admissions....

Jackie and The Commodore, Dan; Jenny and the Vice Commodore, Jerry, and Rear Commodore Sue are dressed up and ready to escort our guests...

We open to a big crowd.  They keep coming for 3 hours!

The food is delicious!

Another successful Oyster Ham Dinner is behind us....

The End