1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2014 



 Rob, Larry, Mike, and Commodore Dan cook for the Club Members...

                                                                    The Social Hour before dinner...                                 Bernie, Dick, and Kathleen...

Jerry and Mike work in the kitchen to provide a delicious meal to the members...

                                                                The food looks great!                                                              Everyone enjoys the evening...

Commodore Dan graciously accepts the Donkey Flag for forgetting to thank last month's Kitchen Crew...


Debbie wins the Rubber Ducky Flag for spilling a pitcher of water on Ron....

Jerry wins The Good Deed Flag for helping with the Kiwanis 90th Anniversary Party at the Club House...

Dan always finds the monthly meetings exciting and informative....

Commodore Dan doesn't forget this time!  Thank you to tonight's Kitchen Crew!

The End