1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2014 



                                                      Greg....                                                       Jackie and Cathy are pouring tonight... 

                                                                                 Bob, Linda, and Thelma ...                                              Debbie readies the Raffle Table - 10 items tonight!

                                                                       Debbie, Lorraine, and Jenni...                                                                            Kim and Neal...

                                                                          Linda and Jane...                                                                                   Rear Commodore Sue and Bonnie....

                                                             Rick, Sue, and Vice Commodore Jerry...                                                 Kim, our Club's Treasurer, is always busy...

                                                           Steve, Susan, Greg, and Jane...                                                                                     Susan, Bonnie, and Karen...

                                                                               Sheryl and Allan....                                                                                             Danielle and Roger...

                                                              Membership Chairperson, Debbie....                                                      Vice Commodore Jerry gives his monthly report...

                                                 Rear Commodore Sue gives her monthly report....                                   Ron, our Club's Historian, asks the members for memories...

                                                             Diana gives the Club Family Report...                                      Debbie and George talk about the upcoming Christmas Light Parade...

                                                 Rob shares information about the Club Christmas Party...                               Nancy tells us about the Special People's Party...

Commodore Danny recognizes members that contributed to a successful year...

                                Don & Bonnie, and Bernie & Frank tie in the Commodore's Cruising Award...               Linda places her Tug Boat Annie Award in the Display Case...

                                                       Debbie wins Sea Life Pasta in the Name Tag Drawing...                Debbie wins the Donkey Flag for "stealing" a Member's Wallet...  (-;

                                  Debbie wins the Good Deed Flag for knitting mittens for The Pioneer School...           Commodore Danny thanks tonight's Kitchen Crew...

                                               Kurt wins the raffled Godiva Salted Caramel....                                             Don picks up the Jane Blanket that was won by Bonnie....

                                           Ken raffled Snowman Jar of Chocolate Peppermint Candy....                                                  Neal wins the Assorted Teas...

                                      Vice Commodore Jerry wins the raffled Chistmas Wreath Night Light...                           Rick wins the raffled Blackberry Flavored Brandy...

                                           Lorraine wins the raffled Decoration Twig Christmas Tree...                                               Jan wins the raffled Christmas Dish Towels...

                                                  Nancy wins the raffled Johnny Walker Gift Set...                      AND...        Nancy wins the raffled Decorative Glass Christmas Deers...

The End