1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2015 



The weekend's schedule of events...

                                    Someone is proud to display our Home Town...                           Ten boats cruised to Gig Harbor for the weekend...

                                          Shadow was happy to make the trip!                                 Friday night featured dinner out at El Pueblito...

Good food and good friends always make for a great time!

Are there 2 sides to Commodore Jerry?

Saturday morning brought breakfast in the Arabella Marina's Club House....

MMMMM!  Good stuff!

Saturday was filled with playing games and other activities...


                                                          Vikings Sheryl and Per...                                            Vikings Jenni and Commodore Jerry....


                                                             Viking Jane...                                                                      Vikings Pam and Rick.... 


                                                   Vikings Bonnie and Don....                                                       Vikings George and Debbie...


                                               Vikings Lorraine and Bill...                                                Commodore/ Viking Jerry and Viking Don... 

                                               A Viking Group Picture...                                                                          Boys will be boys! 

On Sunday morning Rick cooked on the dock....

Commodore Jerry enjoys his breakfast before heading for home......

The End