1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2015 



As it is with most SYC Events, it is all about the food!

                                                                 More desserts....                                               Rick cooked a big load of his signature ribs!

Jenni created and administered several game related games for the members to play...

A big THANKS to Cathy and Mike for staffing the bar for the party...

Themed wine and flatware are on hand for our event!

Jan brought a Seahawks Flower Arrangement to adorn the Bar...

Rick's Ribs....   MMMMMM, MMMM good!

Brian brought Taos Toffee to the party...

Over 40 people attended the SYC Superbowl Party...

Watching the game....

Obviously a positive moment!

The food line during half time....

                                             Jerry awards prizes during the game....                                         Ed, a 49ers Fan, wins a Seahawks Cozy!


Jan and Ken win prizes...

The game may not have ended the way everyone hoped but everyone had a great time.


The End