1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2015 




                                                        Dan and Jackie at Oak Harbor...                                                                 Rick, Per, and Danny are in Oak Harbor too! 

Kim is feeling a little crabby...


Look at the size of these Oak Harbor crabs!

MMMM!  Wow!


                                                          Sheryl and Pam are here...                                                                        Pam's shirt says "Fishing Dive"...  Pam is a Fishing Machine !

Did I mention the crab?

Per, Jackie, Pam, and Rick...

That looks delicious, Jerry!

You just can't beat fresh crab for dinner in a place like this....

Time to gather some goodies for dinner!


                                                                             Kim and Diana...                                                                            Kim, Jim, and Commodore Jerry...


                                                                   Commodore Jerry and his wife, Jenni....                                                                       Don and Jackie...

Jackie beside their boat, Sea Wryes....

It was a perfect weekend at Oak Harbor...

The End