1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2015 


One of the Club's favorite destinations - Longbranch Marina...


                                                    21 Boat attended the Ragbagger's Cruise...                                       As always members congregate on the docks during good weather... 


                                          Debbie is bribing the 4 legged SYC Members...                                                                                Lots of visiting... 


Friday night features Potluck Appetizers....


                                                                                                                          Jerry...                                                                           Mike...

"This boating life is tough stuff!"

Saturday's Ragbagger's Cruise...


It was a beautiful day even if it wasn't particularly windy....

On Saturday evening the Club provided BBQed ribs...


                                                                        BBQing is easy for Tracy...                                                      The Club's Member's provided the side dishes...

Dessert was Mike's Birthday Cake...  Happy Birthday, Mike!


                                                                        George and Connie...                                                                                 George, Debbie, and Maggie...


After Saturday evening's dinner, members played Bingo....

Sunday many members hung around to watch the Seahawk's Game. Then left for home...


The End