1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2016


Rear Commodore Mike and Cathy staff the Bar...                                     Debbie runs the Raffle Table...

Per at work.... Left handed!                                                    Club Secretary Kim and Greg...

Debbie and Bonnie...                                                               Dan and Commodore Sue...

Bernie and Diana...                                                Fleet Capt Debbie and Commodore Sue...

Ron, Dawn, and Dick...                                                       The dinner is in progress...

Mike bussing tables...                                                            OMG! Is that Christie and Dan ?

Jerry and Christie...                                                      Mike and Karen from Tacoma Yacht Club...

Co-Fleet Capt Lorraine is sworn in...                                         Rear Commodore Mike gives his report...

Vice Commodore Linda talks Oyster Ham Dinner...                        Co-Fleet Capt Debbie addresses the members...

SYC Historian Ron talks about a trip to Brinnon many years ago...  And tells a story about Bonnie!

Gary won the Name Tag Drawing...                                     Vickie won the raffled Truck Calendar...

Bernie wins the raffled Chocolate Wine...                                   Frank won the 2nd raffled Truck Calendar...

Karen, from TYC, won the raffled Scentcy Candle...                           Vicki won the raffled bottle of Bailey's...

Jean won the raffled Taos Toffee...                                     Don took home the Good Deed Flag and the Donkey Flag...

THANKS! to tonight's Kitchen Crew... 

The End