1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2016

Decorated Boat Parade & Cruise to Percival Landing

Commodore Sue was on board The Oakland Bay anchored off of Eagle Point...

Commodore Sue exchanged salutes with members as they passed by...

Mike and Cathy cruise by Commodore Sue in Carina on their way to Percival Landing...

Dick and Linda cruise by in Time Out....

George and Debbie's Boundary Point cruises by....

Don and Bonnie's "Bonnie Jean" cruises by Commodore Sue....

Jim and Debbie's Hagbart cruises by...

Jim and Sue's Little Sucia cruises by...

James cruises by in his El Mistico...

Rich and Pat cruise by in Spindrift...

Percival Landing is ready for our arrival !

Members are on hand to help land other member's boats at Percival Landing...

Sue wastes no time getting her grandkids ashore in Olympia...

Kim and Diana arrive on board Kim's Toy Too...

And last but certainly not least, Commodore Sue arrives on Loca...

Jean displays her Opening Day Goody Bag...

On the dock in Olympia's Percival Landing...

Over 30 SYC Members attended dinner at the historic Oyster House Restaurant in Olympia on Saturday night...

The End