1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2017


Most of the participating members stayed the the Bishop Hotel with a few at the Swan Hotel or in RVs...

The front entrance to The Bishop Hotel...

                  Sue and Jean...                                                   Connie, J.L., and Sue...

Playing Bunko on Friday night...

Connie and Linda...                                                                            Jerry...

     Jackie and Danny on Saturday's Poker Run...                          Larry, Julie, Cathy, and Mike on the Poker Run...

SYC Members pile in to a store while on the Poker Run....

DC, Linda, and Connie work to find the winner of Saturday afternoon's Poker Run Challenge...

               Connie...                                                               George after neck surgery......

      Jenni and Connie...                                                         Jenni wins a bottle of wine...

Julie wins Wooden Pencils...                                                              Sue wins a prize too!

Sue has something to say!                                                             Pat wins Dish Towels!

Jackie wins a Beer Glass                                                        Debbie won Dish towels....

  Larry and Julie...                                                                   Cathy and Mike....

Commodore Linda and Dick...                                                             Len and Carol....

Club Photographer, Jim...                                                       J.L., Sue, and Jane... 

The End