1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2017

Valentine's Cruise to Percival Landing

13 boats made the trek to Olympia's Percival Landing...

   It is Brody's 3rd Birthday!                                                      He is SYC's youngest member!

Got 'em all !  All 3 of them!

    Bonnie...                                                                                Heather...

                      Ty                                                                     Brock, how old is your brother?

Saturday morning breakfast on Time Out...

A few more pictures from Saturday morning breakfast...

Each boat received this Valentine's Bag upon arrival, describing games planned for the weekend and filled with other fun stuff ....

On Saturday evening 38 SYC Members went for dinner at Budd Bay Cafe...  It was great!

Julia was our waitress and she was outstanding!  Incredible energy! 

Valentines Frank and Bernie...                                                   Valentines DC and Ramona...

Valentines Dan and Christy...                                                Valentines Debbie and George...

Valentines Lorraine and Bill                                                     Valentines Carol and Len..

Valentines Jenni and Jerry...                                                    Valentines Mike and Cathy...

Valentines Sue and J.L....                                                       Valentines Janet and Vern...

Valentines Diana and Kim...                                                    Valentines Ken and Jan...

Sunday brought calm winds and sunshine for a great trip to our home ports...

The End