1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2017


Gary and Larry in the kitchen...                                                  Nancy, Jan, and Judy...

Kim...                                                    SYC takes First Place in the Daffodil Marine Parade!

Our "Award" with a picture of our winning entry...

Debbie and Ramona working the Raffle Table...                          Jackie and Danny serving refreshments...

DC and Dennis...                                                             Jim, JoAnne, and Jane...


Cathy, Soitza, and Judy...

            Bonnie runs the Club's Boutique...                                                                            Our Club Historian, Ron...

Everyone sits down to eat dinner...

Vice Commodore Mike opens the meeting in Commodore Linda's absence....

Commodore Mike has last year's First Mate Cathy retire her place in the Award Cabinet to make room for 2017 First Mate Jackie!

Jim reads a biography of Sam and Soitza as they prepare to be sworn in as members of our Club...

George reads a biography of Heather and Ty as they are also about to be sworn in to our Club...

Commodore Mike delivers the Club's Pledge to New Members Sam, Soitza, Heather, and Ty...

Rear Commodore Mike gives his Monthly Report...

Fleet Captain Connie gives her Monthly Report...                         Frank tells everyone about our Daffodil Win...

Carol wins the Name Tag Drawing...

Rick wins the Raffled Wine Basket...

Rick also wins the Raffled Tequila Gift Set..                                        Mike wins the Raffled Nautical Necklace...

Larry wins the Raffled Lume-On Life Jacket Illuminators...

Heather takes home the Good Deed Flag for the Daffodil Decorations!

Jim gets the Donkey Flag for running out of fuel...

It should be noted Tracy won the Rubber Ducky Flag for falling in the water at the Daffodil Parade. 
For some unknown reason he wasn't at tonight's meeting... 

A great big THANKS to tonight's Kitchen Crew!

The End