1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2017

The SYC Enters the Downtown Shelton Christmas Parade

Decorating the SYC Entry Boat...

Mike and George help decorate Ty and Heather's boat for the parade...

It can't be easy being Heather's husband! Heather paints Ty green for the parade....  I sure hope that washes off!


Heather's friend Bea, a co-conspirator...

SYC Member, Cindy...

SYC Member, JoAnne...

Heather and Commodore Linda...

Bea, Pam. Jean, Debbie, Cindy, and Heather...

Pam, Jean, Debbie, and Cindy...

Showing off their Holiday Socks...

SYC Members are ready for the parade!

SYC Member, Debbie...

SYC Members carry a banner announcing our upcoming Lighted Boat Parade...

SYC places Second in the Downtown Shelton Christmas Parade in the Motorized Category!

Our Plaque...

The End