1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2019


Victoria checks the size of the new TYC Daffodil Apparel....

Sam, Soitsa, Steve, and Bill are covering Kitchen Duty...

Mike, Roger, and Dan...

Don buys Raffle Tickets from Debbie and Judy...

Cindy, at the Boutique, shows SYC Member Sue what they have on sale....


                             Jane....                                                                                         Victoria and Tracy staff the bar....


                                                    Neal...                                                                  Soitza....                                                              Ken...

JoAnne and Jim...

Commodore Mike opens the meeting...

Connie publicly grades a test on SYC Members Gwen and Mike's life...

Lydia and Karen, from TYC, give the SYC Members a presentation on the upcoming Daffodil Parade...

Vice Commodore Larry gives his Monthly Report....

Rear Commodore Debbie gives her first Monthly Report and announces Highway Pick Up dates...

Jan delivers the SYC Family Report...

Wayne wins the SYC Nametag Drawing...

Soitza wins the raffled Orchid Plant....

Karen, from TYC, wins the raffled Tire Repair Kit and Window Wash donated by Auto Zone...

Bob wins the raffled Tool Set...

Jim wins the raffled Apron, Candy, Salt & Pepper Shakers, and Anchor Cookie Cutters....

Mike wins the raffled bottle of Crown Royal...

Jim gets the Donkey Flag for mistakenly calling the Shelton Yacht Club the Olympia Yacht Club...

Tonight's fantastic Kitchen Crew...  THANK YOU!

The End