1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2019


Cathy pours a Strawberry Margarita. Margaritas are being tested for 3 months to determine popularity...


Jean likes the margaritas...                                                                                        So does Ken!


Jane likes the margaritas too...                                                                                So does Jill !

Rick and DC...



Soitza and Sam tend the SYC Bar for the first time...


Ramona and Debbie staff the SYC Raffle Table...

Jill, Robert, and Commodore Mike...

Connie discusses Marina Signage with George, Dave, and Karen...


Pam, Bonnie, and Carol...

Danny and Jackie...


Linda tells the SYC Members about auctioning off some stuff next month....

Linda gives out the answers to tonight's SYC First Mate's Crossword Puzzle...

The Former SYC First Mate's in attendance at tonight's meeting...

Ramona is elected as SYC's First Mate of 2019...

Vice Commodore Larry gives his report...

Rear Commodore Debbie gives her report....

Dave updates the SYC Members on the purchase of the Oakland Bay Marina...

Bill will the Round Tag Drawing and donated the night's Tip Money to the Special People's Party...

Jackie wins tonight's Name Tag Drawing...

Linda wins the raffled LED Lighted Mason Jars...

Al wins the raffled Nautical Bracelet...

Prospective Member Debbie picks up the Raffled 3 lb. box of Taos Toffee for Sue P...

Victoria wins the raffled bottle of Maker's Mark...

Jean nominates Commodore Mike for the Donkey Flag for not remembering to call her up to present Linda's Commodore's Book!

Jean presents Former Commodore Linda (2017) with her Commodore Memory Book....

Frank is awarded the Good Deed Flag for his work arranging our visit to this years Marina Daffodil Event at TYC...

Dick is awarded the Rubber Ducky Flag for falling in the water while setting up the new breakwater...

Pam tells SYC Members about the upcoming Eat, Move, and Be Healthy Retreat coming up at the end of May...

A Great Big Thanks to tonight's Kitchen Crew...

SYC Boutique Staffer Cindy tells us about special pricing at the SYC Boutique...

...The End