1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2019


Catering courtesy of the Bridge and the Board :)

Sue and Jean                       Jim and Commodore Mike                                           Cathy, Christy and Dan serving Ken


Debbie, Jackie, Judy and Bonnie - I think maybe Spanakopita is on the menu!

Frank, Dan and larry                                Darlene with JL Koch and Sue at the T-shirt stand           Linda buying raffle tickets from Debbie

Dan, Larry, Frank and Robert


Pam, Frank and Jeni                           Pat toasting something :)                                   Larry and Jim talking about .........

Prospective member Eric talking with Neal                                   Jackie and Bernie 

Nice wide view .......

Looks like Darlene made a sale to Debbie                            Next year's commodore laying the tables :)

Items collected for charity

Prospective members Colby and Linda                     Linda and Pam                                     Connie with Immediate Past Commodore Mike

Debbie and Cathy

hors d'oeuvres - yummy!

Pig in a blanket                                                                                   Don supervising Jim


Theresa and Steve - what!!!! crutches ???

Kim and Jan

Commodore Mike with Frank's favourite beer -  "preaching to the choir" sculpture?    Bernie, Christy and Frank    Jan doing her announcements

Danielle and Mike                                     Mike and Ken

Debbie, Dianna (with her raffle winnings) and Mike.       Anita with her winnings and Mike        Mike and Bernie (winner of the brandy bottle)


Jim (winnner of honey produced by Don and Bonnie) and other things, and Mike


Debbie (T-shirt winner) and Mike                            Mike and Susan (who won the wreath)          Lorraine win her wine winnings and Mike

Debbie, Jim with his raffle winnings, and Mike            Sue and what looks like a bottle of clear spirits with Mike            Larry and Debbie

Al, Mike and Darlene with their good deed award

The Bridge and Board members as kitchen crew for December


The End