1956                      Shelton Yacht Club   2020


New Members - via Zoom


Linda Wexler and Colby Munger went thru a zoom oreintation class with Neal and Debbie and then Commodore Larry swore them in



Swantown Marina Cruise

Due to COVID-19, members maintained distance when meeting and spent more time than usual aboard


Well, here we are - all social distancing - it's hard to carry on a conversation 6 feet apart especially when hearing is not so good!

Frank and Al                                                   Frank, Al and Ted                                         Debbie and George in the foreground

How come dogs don't have to social distance?          Longbrach Criuse meeting on back deck of Ariel: Commodore Larry, Al, Pam, Darlene, Cindy

Just some of the 11 SYC boats



Fleet captains Sue and Jean getting ready to duel

Susan and Bruce preparing the food with "Money Taker III"

Don aboard "Bonnie Jean"                                                      Frank and Bernie                       Darlene talking with Sue aboard LaCinda

Sue, Cindy and Jean                                                      Lorraine with dinner; MV "Selene" in the background


Sun setting behind Randy, Debbie and friends aboard "Emerald Star"