1956                      Shelton Yacht Club   2020




It's really good to welcome members during this time of COVID!

Lydia, with Neal & Commodore Larry is sponsored by the Stolbergs & Parks - welcome Lydia!

Commodore Larry welcomed Joel, April & daughter Delphia; Shannon & Joe; and Rob & Beth - Sept 11

Welcome everybody, you have joined the best yacht club ever!!!


Work continues but we don't really have enough pictures to show for it, especially on the Marina work.

So please, if you see SYC people working,

take a picture and send it to me (Ted) at tedberry_aus@yahoo.com or text to 360 870-3572


First, select this link for a movie of Don working on the trail leading to Shelton Creek - by Pam Lau


Nathan working on the berm near the marina entrance

Per, on the left, delivered the maple trees and planted all himself except this one. Ted center and Nathan (right)


The same day putting more bark chips on the othher side of the marina entrance

Don and Steve taking a break!