1956                      Shelton Yacht Club   2021


Star Anchor at Kamilche Point (June 11 - 13) - pictures by Jim and Pam


Eleven boats participated and many people drove in - a very enjoyable weekend

Many thanks to Commodore Debbie and the organizers

The weather was mainly sunny on Saturday - we had our fair share of rain on the other days but spirits remained high!


The Final product !!! Click here to see a short video taken from the inside

View from Judy's garden

View from somebody else's garden

left - George organizing the star anchor formation

Making fast the lines between the boats

Jim and Cindy's boat, "Sound Decision" joins the formation - rainy left, sunny right

Sometimes it was sunny, sometimes not

First, George tied the arriving boats alongside boats already there

Then he tied the stern lines to neighboring boats

Then he took the anchor ......

and dropped it so as to hold the boat with the bow pointing out

The result - a perfect star anchor

Friday afternoon apertizers and happy hour

Judy (the hostess) and her birthday cake - guess how old she is ....

blowing out the candles

Dick passing out Saturday's breakfast - Steve is the recipient with Teresa looking on

.... and it was good

The Moneymaker family around the stern of "Moneytaker III"

... and aboard their dinghy

Saturday relax time - the water inside the star is very sheltered - ideal for socializing

Saturday: Dick and Linda creating and distributing Sunday's breakfast. Thank you guys!

people going to and fro between the star anchor and Judy's place

There were prizes for finding the secrets hidden in the porta potty

the clams on Saturday were delicious and expertly done

There were lots of people on Saturday but not sure what the head count was ...

Prize announcements ....

The clams were cooked in all sorts of herbs and spices - and beer (or was it wine?) and they were good!


Prizes were associated with this game

Steve and Teresa's "Trekka" was the last boat to leave on Sunday 

.... and a good time was had by all .....