Shelton Yacht Club
March Lucky Leprechaun St. Patrick's Day Cruise to Jarrell Cove
Photo and video credits: Jim Callea, Pam Lau, Debbie Stoberg, Ted Berry & others
First, the videos:
1. Bagpipe player Clay Bowcutt (360 426-1350)
3. Jim and Cindy Induction ceremony
4. Sword Dance
Daffodils in the clubhouse garden on the day we left
We had 18 boats at Jarrell Cove, at least 1 RV, several drive-ins & over 40 attendees
- very good attendance!
Jim & JoAnne Arriving in "Gokstad" Jim and Cindy arriving in "Sound Decision"
Lydia and Jesse arriving "5 C's" Sue P arriving in "LoCa"
Darald F arriving in "Elora Lea"
Bandit gets the Rubber Duckie award for falling in the water - can a dog get the award?
Sue with Friday night's desert
View from Jim Cs camera as he arrived by road
Linda S with Saturday breakfast - really tasty!
Dick, Neal, Debbie and Randy
Saturday breakfast again with Courtney, Pam and Ted
Jackie and Linda S Jim (facing), Courtney talking with Pam
Commodore Debbie Jane and Jim Bernie and Frank
Bernie and Frank with Don and others in the background
Neal Ken, Dick and Tracy
Jim and JoAnne Deb, Neal, Courtney and Larry
Randy, Bonnie and Debbie C Debbie and Randy
Neal, (dog is Buddy), Debbie, George, Frank and Don Jesse and Lydia with dogs Bella and Buddy
Frank attaching SYC decal to dinghy Frank and Bernie going for a ride
Sue P tying up assisted by Neal in dinghy with Ted and Courtney advising
Jane talking with "Buddy" Lydia and Jesse and "Buddy"
Clay Bowcutt arriving with bagpipes greeted by Sue P
Clay Bowcutt playing
Clay Bowcutt with Sue P and Lynda S watched by Commodore Debbie (right pic)
Sword dance by Rita Bill and Rita
Everybody watching Clay Bowcutt with bagpipes
Vice Commodore Jim and JoAnne Courtney and fashion show winner "Buffy"
Vice Commodore Jim with Clay Bowcutt with Commodore Debbie
Al and Larry Jim and Cindy Induction ceremony
Induction of Jim and Cindy with JL, Commodore Debbie and Ted
Jim, Cindy, JL (Sponsor), Commodore Debbie and Membership chair Ted
Commodore Debbie and Sue JoAnne, Rita and Heather (with dog)
Frank, JoAnne and Ken on fashion show catwalk
Heather & K9 Commodore Debbie and Courtney on catwalk
Winning K9, Buffy, Ted and Bill with Vice Commodore Jim
left to right Rita, Heather, Bill, Ted, Ken, Courtney and Buffy, Commodore Debbie,
Frank, JoAnne and Vice Commodore Jim
Organizer of the Irish spring soap carving contest, Victoria. Winners; Debbie S and Brock (9)
More winners, Ted, Courtney's Dog, Buffy, and JoAnne
Boat decorations Some members came by RV (note the anchor)
More boat decorations; Matlock and Boundry Point
George (aboard Boundry Point) and Commodre Debbie
Saturday Dinner; left pic shows Commodore Debbie, new member, Cindy, and Sue
Serving Saturday evening's dinner
Leah Marie & Great Dane Sir Winston Daly's dog, Bella
George D, Tracy McA, Larry McB and Neal problem solving
Ken C leaving in "Cooky Cutter" Pam and Ted leaving in "Ariel"
Danny and Jackie Leaving in "Sea Chalet"