1956                      Shelton Yacht Club   2022


April Social

April Social 2022     April Social 2022    

April Social                                                               April Social

April Social meeting

April Social


Courtney McBride and JoAnne Ross     Judy Taylor and JoAnne Ross

Courtney McBride Drawing Winner                                    Judy Taylor Drawing Winner


   Victoria McAfferty and JoAnne Ross     Mike Callaghan JoAnne Ross

Victoria McAfferty Drawing Winner                                  Mike Callaghan Drawing Winner

Deborah Daly Introduces her guests     Deborah Daly Induction Ceremony

Past Commodore Deborah Daly                     Deborah Daly inducted into the

           introduces IOBG Guests                           International Order of the Blue Gavel

 Deborah and George Daly and the IOBG flag    Other IOBG members from SYC

Deborah and George Daly and the IOBG Flag           Other IOBG Members from SYC               

                                                                                                                   Deborah, Bruce, Frank, Jean, and Judy                                   

Good Deed Flag Recipients     Kitchen Crew

2 Good Deeds Donna and Terry Mehl and Don Entus                 The Kitchen Crew

Donna Mehl First Mate of the Year

Donna Mehl was nominated and voted in as the First Mate of the Year for 2022