1956                      Shelton Yacht Club   2022


Tacoma Daffodil Festival 2022

JoAnne and Jim enjoying a Daffy Drink    Jim and Jane in their land yacht

   JoAnne and Jim enjoying a Daffy Drink                  Jim and Jane arrive in their Land Yacht 

A little planning    Frank Bernie and Susan

       Donna, Jim, and Susan planning                  Decorations with Bernie, Susan, and Frank

Debbie and Sue Decorating    James Debbie and Sue Decorating the bow

        Debbie and Sue Decorating                               James, Sue and Debbie Decorating

Bruce and Terry up top    Al and Darlene arrive

Bruce and Terry Decorating                                     Al and Darlene arrive to help

George James and Debbie    Randy and Debi provding refreshment

     George, James and Debbie putting up flags     Randy and Debbie providing some refreshments 

Susan, Donna and Debbie Parade    Sue P looking like a munchkin

Susan, Donna and Debbie Parade decor             Sue P getting her Munchkin on 

Debbie, Randy, Debi, George and Sue    Bruce, Sue and Bruce

Darlene Debbie D Randy Debbie C George and Sue            Bruce M, Susan, and Bruce Z                 

The Trivia Team    The Parade Begins

Bruce Z (hidden) George Bruce M Donna and Sue                   Flag Raising                          

Command Boat Salute Captain George Daly, Frank Parks, Debbie Daly, Terry Mehl, Al Schnittker, Jim Ross    The Reviewing Stand

 Command Ship - George, Frank, Debbie, Terry, Al and Jim            Reviewing Stand                                     

Al, Jim, Frank, Terry and Debbie    Parade of Boats Daffodil 2022

Al, Jim, Frank, Terry and Debbie                                Boats parading behind us         

Grand Marshall Boat    Daffoldil Princess Boat

 Grand Marshall Boat                                             Daffodil Princess Boat 

The Hanging Champagne Bottle

The Boundary Point Hanging Champagne Bottle