1956                      Shelton Yacht Club   2022


Boozy Cruise Longbranch


First to arrive - Weather Wizard                                      Next was Prelude       


       Preparations for Appetizers                          Sampling the Spooky Special


        Socializing underway                                  That's Ghost Pizza, Naomi's Favorite


Socializing after Dinner                                       Ahhh..... Breakfast and Coffee


Afternoon Trick or Treating                                  Next boat for the Tricksters


           Worms for the ladies                                    Overheard - I need a bigger bag....


All the Ladies had a good time                  Donna enjoyed her trick or treating


Two boats left to trick or treat at                                   Last boat was indoors?


A witching good time                                  Captain Bruce Sparrow


Lorraine and Bill in character                   Is there a Doctor around?


Wild dock meetings taking place                                        Booty pirates


        Ken and Heidi walking the dock                                    Bernie looking sharp


Al, Bill, Tracy, Frank and Lorraine                                 Late Arriving Boats        


9 Boats attended                                          Most were rafted, stern to


From one end to the other, everyone had a great time.


Saturday Nights Dinner was amazing                      Everyone enjoyed Dinner


As the sun set, the spooks began to come out


Matlock                                                               Bondary Point


MoneyTaker III                                                            Prelude         


     Awards Best Decorated and Costume                         A foggy but nice trip home