1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2014 



                   Don and Rob                                                                   Jackie and Dan staff the bar....


                Chris and Lee                                                          Jan, Joy, and Dave in the kitchen....

Jerry and Larry...                                                                  Judy and Roy...

Steve, Jane, and DC                                                                       Linda and Ron...

            Anita, Frank, and Kurt...                                               Commodore Diana opens her final meeting...

Commodore Diana recognizes her team....                               Commodore Diana recognizes Marina Chairperson Per

      Commodore Diana recognizes Secretary Jan                     Commodore Diana recognizes Membership Chair Dan

Commodore Diana thanks Co Fleet Captain Rob...                                 Fleet Captain Rob retires his flag...

   Rear Commodore Rick lowers his flag....                               Vice Commodore Larry lowers his flag...

Commodore Diana retires as the Shelton Yacht Club's Commodore....

Treasurer Kim raises his flag...                                          Secretary Jackie raise her flag...

Rear Commodore Dan raises his flag....

Past Commodore Jim installs Commodore Ken for 2012....


            Commodore Ken raises his flag and assumes the meeting...                        Diana presents plaques to Vice Commodore Larry and Rear Commodore Rick...

Commodore Ken presents Immediate Past Commodore Diana with her flag and resumes our normal monthly meeting...

New Vice Commodore Rick presents Diana with a Chocolate Cake and a gift as thanks for her service....

Our new Rear Commodore gives his report...                        Ron, our Historian, gives a little history...

                     Bonnie tells us of our SYC Family....                    Judene announces changes to our SYC Sea Breezes Handbook....

Debbie wins the Name Tag Drawing...                         Don wins the raffled Boat Show Tickets..

Rick wins the raffled logbook and journal books...                 Bernies wins the raffled Western Star Calendar...


                          Vicki wins the raffled dock cart...                                                    Judene and Commodore Ken...



Thank you to the Kitchen Crew!                                             Our new Bridge Officers for 2012..


The End