1956 Shelton Yacht Club 2014
Frank buys lots of Raffle Tickets Dan in the galley... Bonnie cuts up one of her famous pies...
George and Paul... Debbie (Good Debbie) and Lisa...
Bernie and Tacoma Yacht Club's Karen buy Raffle Tickets... Rear Commodore Dan... Xuefang...
Judene sports Silver Reptile Slacks....
Mike and Vicki... Kim....
Jan and Jerry.... Bill...
Pat and Cindy.... Per and Don...
Rick and Mary, & Ed and Lisa are sworn in as SYC Members! Ed and Lisa display their new SYC Burgee....
Oh no! Mary is holding their new burgee upside down! THERE! That's better! ( Aren't we fun?)
Commodore Ken announces the winners of the Raffle Prizes... Who will win the bottle of Crownie?
Good Debbie ( It's a long story ) wins the Crown Royal! And Bernie wins the Pine Tree Restaurant Gift Certificate!
Kurt wins the Double Set of Tideminders... And Bernie (She is lucky!) wins the Sport-Bella Beach Chair!
Per and Sheryl win the Good Deed Flag.... Bonnie delivers the Sunshine Report...
A big THANKS! from all to the Kitchen Crew.... And Commodore Ken adjourns the meeting.... The End