1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2014 


                                                                   Dawn, Ron, and Don...                                                             Noel, Per, and Terry...

                                                                    Kim and Debbie...                                                    Frank, Jim, and Don...

                                                                                 Per, Larry, and Bonnie...                                     Jan, Jack, and Commodore Rick...

                                                             Prospective Members Mike and Judy....                                               Linda and Sue...

                                                                  Celeste and Gary...                                                                 Commodore Rick opens the meeting...

                               Cmdr Rick gives a microwave to The Club...              And recognizes each of the members that helped with 2013....


                                            Rick gives a special plaque to Judy....                                  Vice Commodore  Dan retires his flag...

PC Ken retires 2013 Commodore Rick ...

Commodore Rick is presented with tokens of appreciation for his service to the SYC...

Membership Chairperson Debbie and Social/Health/Safety Chairperson Linda are sworn in by PC Ken ...


                                    PC Ken swears in Rear Commodore Sue....                                              Rear Commodore Sue raises her flag...

PC Ken swears in our 2014 Commodore, Dan!

Commodore Dan swears in Fleet Captains Mike and Cathy...

Commodore Dan's crew for 2014...


               Past Membership Chair, Vicki thanks Judene for her assistance                                        Rear Commodore Sue...

                           Jeni wins the Name Tag Drawing!                                Gary wins the raffled Air Popcorn Popper!

                Bernie wins the raffled jar of Reese's Peanut Butter cups...                 Noreen wins the Four Tickets to the Seattle Boat Show...

A big THANKS! to the evening's Kitchen Crew...

The End