1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2014 

Cruise to Longbranch

Dick & Linda and JL & Sue host the SYC's Fall Cruise to Longbranch...

Setting up the Longbranch Shelter for the weekend of fun....


                       Jim, Rich, and Jackie....                                                                 Debbie and George arrive on Boundary Point....


                                                   Lorraine is the Dog Lady!                                                               Lorraine pays attention to detail...


Shadow came to Longbranch!                                                                                      The SYC Ladies visit....  


It's time to eat!


                                                         Larry tells a scary story!                                                                            Fresh cooked breakfast!

Happy 80th Birthday, Frank....


          Sue serves the birthday cake...                                                                       Playing in the Bunco Tournament....


Bunco Tournament.....


              The Brownie Contest...                                                                   Linda awards  prizes for the weekend...


Larry is a winner!                                                                                                 Lorraine is a winner, too! 


Bernie is a winner!                                                                                             And Danny is a winner too!


                               Mike wins a prize!                                                              Sunday morning... Time to bid a farewell to Longbranch...

The End