1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2016



Bridge Officers, Sue, Linda, and Mike...                                    The SYC Boutique is ready to open tonight!

Table decorations...                                                 Dawn, Ron, and Dick...

Jackie and Dan....                                                                    Greg...


Jan and Ken...                                                             Dennis and Kathy are now Life Members!


Co- Fleet Captain Debbie....                                Per and Sheryl are awarded the 2016 Bill Mallows Award!


Vice Commodore Linda gives her report...                                     Rear Commodore Mike gives his report...

Commodore Sue gives Thank You Gifts to Jackie, Dan, Mike, and Cathy for hosting the Island Cruise...


Ron, SYC's Historian, tells stories of yesterday...                                  Jan gives the SYC Family Report...

Debbie and Jean report on the upcoming SYC Garage Sale...


Larry wins the Name Tag Drawing...                                    Pam wins the raffled Captain Morgan's Iced Tea...


Sheryl wins raffled Orchid Plant...                                   Bernie wins Taos Toffee and Easter Bunny Decoration...

Vice Commodore Linda wins the raffled Chocolate/Wine Gift Basket...

Don wins raffled tickets to the OBJH Spaghetti Dinner...   


The SYC shows no mercy.  Gary and Pat's boat sunk during a tornado in Florida and they win the Rubber Ducky Award...

George wins the Good Deed Flag for helping Commodore Sue when her boat broke down...

A big THANKS to tonight's Kitchen Crew!

The End