1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2016



The Shelton Fire Dept and the Port of Shelton were on hand to conduct Annual Boat House Safety Inspections...


                          Dick, Tracy, Mike, and Cathy...                            Vice Commodore Linda and Pam are hard at work in the kitchen...


Rear Commodore Mike, Jenni, and Jerry...                                    Jerry is cleaning the Club House roof...


             Kim fills in low spots in the parking lot...                                 George and Connie thoroughly clean the SYC Bar...


Lorraine and Bill are cleaning out the garden and adding new plants...

Jack and James are pressure washing the deck...                                               Greg is cleaning the stove....


Dan, Commodore Sue, and Vice Commodore Linda...                                                   Cathy and DC...                     

Debbie re-plants the flower boxes...


The Clean Up ends with lunch....

The End