Dawn and Ron...
Jan and Ken...
Sue and J.L. are running the bar tonight...
Ramona and Andrea in the galley...
Ryder and Kim showed up!
Dan and Christie...
SYC has plenty of people with sunny dispositions:
Jenni. Ryder, and Jane...
Table Centerpieces...
Per and Sheryl place their Bill Mallows Award Picture in the
display case...
Rear Commodore Mike talks Highway Clean Up...
Fleet Captain Debbie tells us about future events...
Pat and Rich tell us about Ragbagger's Cruises of the
Jan reads off the SYC Family Report...
Nadine wins the Name Tag Drawing...
Sue wins the raffled Starbucks Hot Chocolate...
Jan wins the raffled bottle of Blue Sapphire...
Ramona wins the Hypertufa Pot, made by Judy...
Ken wins the Free Night of Moorage at Bell Harbor...
Jean announces the SYC Garage Sale...
DC introduces and thanks tonight's Galley Crew...
The End