Carol and Bonnie...
Gary, Nancy, and Pat...
Bernie and Per...
Tonight's table decorations coincide with Commodore Mike's
January Land Cruise Theme... China!
Debbie and Rear Commodore Mike...
Ken and Jan...
Nancy and Jane...
Connie and George staff the SYC Bar...
Rich, Don, and Kurt...
Jim, Heather, and Shelly...
Carol and Sheryl...
The Raffle Table is offering a new book written by our very
own Mike Callaghan...
Commodore Linda opens her last Social Meeting...
Commodore Linda recognizes Heather's artistic contributions
through 2017...
Linda recognizes Fleet Captain Connie for all of her hard
work in 2017...
2017 Fleet Captain retires her flag...
Commodore Linda recognizes Rear Commodore Mike C. and his
wife, Judy, for all of their help in 2017...
Rear Commodore Mike C. retires his Rear Commodore Flag...
Commodore Linda recognizes Vice Commodore Mike A and his
wife, Cathy, for all of his hard work in 2017...
Vice Commodore Mike A. retires his Vice Commodore flag...
Commodore Linda thanks her husband Dick for everything he
did to assist her while she was Commodore...
Past Commodore Danny steps in to administer the oaths to the
2018 Bridge Officers...
2018 Commodore Mike is sworn in...
Commodore Mike and his wife, Cathy have been sworn by former
Commodore Danny...
Commodore Mike raises his flag...
Our 2018 Bridge Officers...
Rear Commodore Larry and Vice Commodore Mike bring out
Immediate Past Commodore's Gift for serving in 2017...
It's a beautiful picture of Linda's boat with her family on
board taken by Photographer Meg Callea...
Commodore Mike swears in his Fleet Captain for 2018,
Commodore Mike's team for 2018...
Commodore Mike steps in to facilitate his first Club Meeting
as Commodore...
Jan gives the SYC Family Report...
Fleet Captain Lorraine tells about the January Cruise...
Nancy goes up to claim husband Gary's prize for the Name Tag
Sheryl wins the 2 raffled Seattle Boat Show Tickets!
Jan wins the raffled SYC License Plate Frame...
Teresa wins the raffled bottle of St. Michelle Chateau
Diana wins the raffled Oberto's Beef Jerky and the pocket
Debbie wins the raffled book titled "Legend of the Foxtail",
written by Vice Commodore Mike Callaghan...
Jean wins the Good Deed Flag for the beautiful work she did
on Commodore Sue's Year End Commodore Book...
A big thank you to tonight's outstanding Kitchen Crew...
The End