1956                      Shelton Yacht Club   2020

March 7 Clean-up Day

Per Nilsen, SYC House Chairman said in an email, "Thank you to all volunteers! We have a great Club with a tremendous Club Spirit!", "a total of 37 people showed up" and he named the following members who volunteered their labor for the clean up effort:

Don & Bonnie Entus, Dick & Linda Shrum, Neal & Debbie Stolberg, Jim & JoAnne Ross, George & Debbie Daly, Larry Shotts, Bruce & Susan Moneymaker, Steve Marler, Dan Marler, Kim Dombrowsky, Dave Mariano, Gary Cook, Ken Cook, Jim Folley, Teresa Barnes, Jim & Debbie Harden, D.C. Johnson, Per & Sheryl Nilsen, Tracy & Vickie McAferty, Diana Findley, Robert Luyken, Jan McDermid, Trevor Clark, Randy Weaver, Debbie Clegg, Frank Parks, Robert Emens, Celia Emens

My apologies if anyone is omitted - the amount of work that got done is very impressive!



The Cleanup started by washing windows

Ken and Steve working on the new foot path and the garden/flag pole area

Members of the Mason County Fire Dept Marina Inspection team talking with Teresa

Cleaning galley storage drawers etc

The galley is getting a thorough clean!

Especially the stove and ovens

Mason County Fire Dept Inspectors again                                                                                 JoAnne cleaning the galley storage drawers

Sheryl, Jim and others cleaning the galley including stove top, sink and windows

and the work goes on ....... Jim still working on the stove

Volunteers are moving so fast they are just a blurr


Ken working on the trophy cabinet                                                                                Looks like Randy cleaning the gutters

Yep - its Randy

...... and Dick

The garden bed is getting attention as well

Linda organizing the plaque display                                                                      ........ and work goes on cleaning galley storage drawers

Jim and Debbie, looks like vessels are getting checked as well             Dick doing the gutters        Trevor, not even stopping for coffee                          

Looks like Bruce has lunch organized                                                                                                                        a well-earned lunch break

Congratulations - Per reported that, "the participation was absolutely the largest crowd I have even experienced"