1956 Shelton Yacht Club 2020
March Social
Thursday, March 5th, 2020 - the COVID-19 pandemic was just starting so we only had about two thirds of the normal attendance
- but a good time was had by all anyway
Frank and Dan Randy and Debbie with Commodore Larry Steve and Granddaughter Alyssa
Bruce and Susan with Teresa Susan and Steve Judy and Sheryl in the kitchen
Per and Kim Kim and Mike Kim
Steve's daughter Kim with his grandson Wyatt prospective members Leeann and Darald Linda
Olympia Yacht Club members talking about the Island Home Outing
Steve with daughter Kim and family (Wyatt, Alyssa and Daniel) with Darald and Leeann
Steve's grandson Wyatt Leeann and Darald - introduced by Debbie prior to swearing in
Kim, Wyatt, Alyssa, Daniel, Darald and Leeann being sworn in as members of SYC
After being sworn in with new burgees
Don was award the 2020 Bill Mallows Award for his extraordinary work for the club - pictured next to his Caterpillar back hoe
Vice Commodore Debbie Rear Commodore Jim Jan giving her report
Per and Don Linda
Judy accepting the coffee mug of candies from Commodore Larry Cindy and JoAnne with the collapsible anchor bag
LeahMarie won the Anchor bag and decided to use it in an unusual way
Bernie won the bottle of Jameson The Box of flowers was won by Bruce
Ken won the bottle of O'Connerys Irish Cream Teresa won the Donkey Award and Per won the Good Deed award for the lighthouse
The Kitchen Crew, Sheryl, Per, Mike, Gwen, Kim, Judy and Jim
T-t-t-t-t that's all folks!