1956                      Shelton Yacht Club   2020


Club work parties during COVID-19 downtime

During the COVID-19 crisis quite a bit of work has been accomplished while maintaining social distancing

Linda and Dick installing the new LEDs and painting the club galley


George and Debbie preparing Sidewalk for cement             George and Steve laying pipe across to the other side of the car park

George laying more pipe

Steve, up to his boots in cement!

George, Steve and Bruce smoothing the sidewalk


Bruce and Dick - looks like they have done this before

George, Kim, Steve, Neal, and Linda - working on the compass rose - looks very technical ......

The Compass Rose - another one is to go near the flag pole .....


The new sidewalk along the north and west sides of the club house - looks really good!!

Somebody had the foresight to take a picture before the weeding started


Sue weeding - looks like hard work     - and Linda weeding - still looks like hard work


Sue taking a break after a full day of weeding

Looks nice after weeding by Linda, Debbie and Sue

Pictures courtesy of Debbie Strolberg