1956                      Shelton Yacht Club   2021


December 18 Christmas Party

..... and a good time was had by all

Setting up is under way - many hands make light work!

Kitchen crew - L to R: Linda, Debbie D, Debbie S, and Walter

Where's the Rainier?

People start to arrive

In the foreground (facing, foreground): Jan and Courtney


  Frank and Al

Left: Al and Walter        Right: Commodore Debbie and George

Left: Linda in the galley       Right: Bridge members Al, Jim and Com Debbie


Left: Commodore Debbie with past Commodores, Larry and Mike    Right facing: Sue

Com Debbie, Capt Jack, Joanne, Linda

Debbie and Neal ......

Dan and Brenda

Linda making announcements

Capt'n Jack

Capt'n Jack with Walter and Amber - looks like a book signing

Capt'n Jack with copies of his book and Judy (who bought 10 books)

   Capt'n Jack's book   


Capt'n Jack talking about his book