1956                      Shelton Yacht Club   2023


January Social


Social getting started                                               Social getting started 


Raffle Table with JoAnne and Debbie                                   Dinner is served           


Commodore Ross starts the meeting                    Debbie lowers Sue P's flag        


Terry lowers the Rear Commodore Flag            Al lowers the Vice Commodore Flag


           Jim Ross thanks his team                       Jean Iverson presents Debbie her Commodore Book 


Opening her book                                   I think she likes it.


Jim Ross thanks his team                            Turning over the meeting


Commodore Ross lowers his flag                       Debbie presents the Past Commodore Flag


Board Members are sworn in                 New Bridge is sworn in


New Fleets Captains Larry Shotts and Teresa Barnes     Immediate Past Commodore Ross gets a thank you


     Fleet Captains Briefing               Jan gives a lengthly Family Report         Frank Briefs the Daffodil Parade


New Member Doug Harbaugh sworn in   Diana Findley Name tag drawing               Don Entus raffle winner


Frank Raffle drawing                       Jim Findley Raffle drawing                         Kurt Kingman good deed award


Kitchen Crew                                                           Bar Crew

Debbie Briefs upcoming Kitchen Crews